Starting 2023 off the right way: Personal & fitness resolutions

To start 2023 off the right way, the HWPO team has set some of their New Year’s resolutions which we want to share with our community. These are both fitness and personal goals, and we know how difficult it can be to follow through with resolutions, which is why we’re sharing our tips on how our HARD WORKERS can hold themselves accountable.

Jan 15, 2023


First and foremost, we want to share our fitness goals, which can be especially hard to accomplish. Everyone’s goals are different and personal, but we hope we can help motivate and inspire YOU by walking you through our goals.

Mat Fraser, Chief Product Officer

Mat is focused on making his own physical fitness a priority.

“Once I retired from competing, that was no longer my job, so now it’s something that I want to do, not something I have to do. It’s something that I love to do and I know that it positively impacts every other aspect of my life”

Mat plans to make time for his own fitness by taking it one day at a time. 

“You get those big results years down the road from little tiny steps that you make every single day. Whether that’s getting your 60 minutes of fitness in every day or setting aside time for yourself, just break it down into daily achievable tasks and keep chugging away.” 

Sammy Moniz, Chief Brand Officer

Sammy wants to dedicate 20 to 30 minutes every day to some form of movement.

“Most days I do a SWEAT workout and crush 45 minutes in the gym, but some days are filled with LIFE and travel and work”

Even on days when she can’t make it to the gym, Sammy aims to set aside time for a walk or a GOWOD mobility exercise to move her body with intention. 

“I get it, LIFE HAPPENS and priorities shift. I find that in those priority shifts, prioritizing myself is the first thing to go. I owe it to myself and those around me to be the best version of ME I can be.”

Mat O’Keefe, Chief Executive Officer

Matt wants to work on his overall fitness, health and wellness in the New Year because it will improve his life as a whole. Despite being very involved in fitness, he recognizes that it can be difficult to find time to train and he wants to improve upon that in 2023. 

Josh Godinez, Programming Apprentice

Josh wants to work on his back squat in 2023. 

“Like so many other people on the team, it’s easy for me to train and I love being in the gym. This said, a heavy back squat is a lift that I struggle with physically and mentally. I want to keep working on getting better at this and leaning on the expert coaches around me, and I want to use my free time to slowly keep building up my squat through the year.”

Josh knows that building strength in something like a back squat takes time and dedication, so he plans to focus on just showing up to sessions where he knows he’ll be squatting and trying to maintain proper technique, even when moving “sloppily” might feel easier that day. 

“I know that if I keep putting in the work consistently and working hard every time I’m in the gym, then squatting will eventually get better for me, and the weights I’m able to lift will hopefully get heavier.”

Erin Weber, Associate Director of Operations

Erin aims to run a sub 3:33 marathon and improve her agility in 2023. To accomplish those goals, she plans to create a more detailed training plan leading up to her next marathon and dedicate two days a week to agility work. 

Jake Marconi, Director of Training

Jake is going into 2023 continuing to build the habits he started working on at the end of 2022, specifically habits regarding his lifestyle and routine. 

“I have had to evaluate my old habits and find which habits serve me to keep on track with work, training and my overall health amidst working on building HWPO, traveling all over the world and coaching athletes.”

Jake also wants to push himself to workout, even when it’s not going to be exactly what he wants it to be. 

To stick to his goals, Jake asks himself a question, “Can I do this reasonably every day?” If yes, then he determines he’ll be able to accomplish those goals, and if the answer is no he asks himself if the behavior in question will bring long-term benefit to his life. 

Rob Kearney, HWPO STRONG Head Coach

Rob wants to finish top 5 at the Arnold Strongman Classic and top 10 at World’s Strongest Man in 2023. Rob is going to reach his goals through consistency and focus.

“One thing about me and my strongman career is I have always set small attainable goals I knew I could achieve. With the goals I have set for myself, I know they will take hard work, dedication and focus, but by chipping away, one day at a time, I know I can make myself proud!”

Aimee Everett, HWPO LIFT Head Coach

Aimee wants to focus on being her best self mentally, emotionally and physically so she can be focused on her work and help her athletes achieve their 2023 fitness goals. She wants to continue to learn and grow herself so she can be a better coach. 

“2023 is an intense year with Olympic Qualification and coaching 4 CrossFit Games athletes, and I want to make sure that I am not only taking care of my needs to ensure the best mental state for myself for a demanding year, but so that I can always put my best self forward for them.”

Aimee plans to complete her 2023 New Year’s resolutions the way she has accomplished all the goals she has set for herself throughout her life: “Through a relentless drive to be the best, to always be learning, to offer the best, and to continue to never settle for less than I know I am capable of. I am going to put my head down and WORK HARD, be proud of what I do, and never give up.”

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We know as well as anyone that fitness is important, but we’re strong believes that EVERYONE should have some fun personal goals too.

Mat Fraser, Chief Product Officer

Mat Fraser has been dabbling in a new sport: jiu jitsu. Mat wants to make time to practice that new sport a couple times a week and continue to adjust to being a barebones beginner after competing professionally in CrossFit for so many years. 

Sammy Moniz, Chief Brand Officer

Sammy Moniz’s goal is to have a thriving garden in the New Year. 

“This year, I want to be very hands-on and further enjoy the fruits (and veggies!) of my labor.” 

Josh Godinez, Programming Apprentice

Josh Godinez wants to work on being present and consistent throughout the New Year.

“I always want to be authentic and focus on being my best self for me and for the people around me.”

Erin Weber, Associate Director of Operations

Erin Weber hopes to travel more in 2023 and to visit friends as much as possible. She also is going to learn to cook from our very own Sammy Moniz’s Feeding the Frasers recipes by cooking recipes from her cookbook at least twice a month and sharing the delicious finished products with friends to make it more fun. 

Jake Marconi, Director of Training

Jake Marconi wants to try to do one new thing in Vermont, HWPO’s home state, in each month of 2023. 

Rob Kearney, HWPO STRONG Head Coach

Similar to Erin’s travel goals, Rob Kearney hopes to take a proper vacation with his husband, as the only traveling they do is for work and strongman competitions. 

Aimee Everett, HWPO LIFT Head Coach

Aimee Everett wants to get herself back to training, as her own fitness and strength has not been a priority in 2022. She also wants to set hard stops for work each day to spend more time with friends and family and away from her computer.

“My goal every year is to start taking one day off a week where I don’t even open my computer or phone, and spend more time outside. Let’s hope 2023 is the year I STICK TO THAT!”

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Alongside our community, we achieved a lot in 2022, which you can read about in our blog HWPO 2022: A year in review. We’ve got more exciting things coming up in 2023, and our team members have shared their goals for HWPO as a whole in the New Year.

Mat Fraser, Chief Product Officer

Mat Fraser hopes for HWPO Training to continue expanding in the New Year and wants to ensure that HWPO has the best resources available for current and new team members.

“We want to make sure we’re providing the best tools for our people, whether they’re employees or athletes.”

Sammy Moniz, Chief Brand Officer

Sammy Moniz wants to continue to grow HWPO Training in 2023. 

“I love the culture we’ve built, and I want to continue to attract individuals that understand our company core values; SHOW UP. WORK HARD. MAKE YOURSELF PROUD.”

Mat O’Keefe, Chief Executive Officer

Mat O’Keefe’s goal is to be more engaged in the HWPO Training community of HARD WORKERS and plans to do that through the HWPO app. 

Erin Weber, Associate Director of Operations

Erin Weber wants to improve travel and housing experiences for HWPO Training team members in 2023 and will do so by reading all reviews and sending surveys before and after trips so the HWPO team can continue meeting HARD WORKERS all over the world! 

Erin also wants to make each HWPO Training team member feel connected, special and unique and hopes to do that by highlighting accomplishments and efforts by team members each week and by checking in on all team members each month. 

Aimee Everett & Rob Kearney, HWPO STRONG & LIFT Head Coaches

Aimee Everett and Rob Kearney both want to build HWPO communities with those that follow their programs, HWPO LIFT and HWPO STRONG, respectively. They hope to develop relationships with people all over the world and be part of a community, not just a program to follow. 

“I have big dreams and goals for HWPO that I really want to give my attention to with intent, patience, and purpose. I want to build the largest Olympic Weightlifting online community in the world, and bring people together from around the world to share their love for the barbell and CrossFit—with strength, consistency, and confidence.”

2022: A year in review

If you haven’t seen it yet, we’ve also published a blog looking back into what we achieved with our community in 2022, such as the events we visited, business announcements and more. If you’re interested, check out our post: HWPO 2022: A year in review

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