HWPO GIVE - Redemption Road Fitness Foundation

Instilling healthy habits through fitness is how Redemption Road Fitness seeks to improve the future of those in the prison system.

Oct 1, 2023


The Redemption Road Fitness Foundation supports CrossFit affiliates within Colorado department of Corrections facilities. As firm believers that healthy habits lead to a higher quality of life, their team is WORKING HARD to give individuals in the prison system a chance to experience the life-changing benefits of CrossFit.


HWPO Training is donating $5,000 to Redemption Road Fitness in October, and we encourage you to donate as well by clicking here — even $5 helps! Together, we can further support those in the prison system gaining access to, knowledge and confidence in using fitness and healthy habits as a part of their lifestyle. 

We’re also programming their annual event taking place October 14, Redemption Road Wodfest, which is a fundraiser competition at the affiliate. To learn more about the event or volunteer at the gym throughout the year, visit their website here.

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